Story by Prince Morake

The main entry and exit gates of the Rea Vaya Dobsonville Depot remain blocked since
early this morning, Wednesday 3 January 2024. According to the City of Joburg’s
Transport Department, buses cannot operate due to a labour issue which has resulted in
the suspension of Rea Vaya buses until further notice.
We sincerely apologise to passengers for the inconvenience and will advise when the
service returns to normal. Under the circumstances passengers are advised to find
alternative transport.
The disruption of services is caused by a labour dispute between the bus operator,
Piotrans and its employees over the non-payment of a 13 th cheque which was due to be
paid in December 2023.
Piotrans’ business rescue practitioner is in direct negotiation with the employees to
determine the payment date of the 13 th cheque. The Transport Department is confident
that an urgent solution will be reached for the services to operate as soon as possible.
Transport Department will monitor the development and give information on the situation
on regular basis through the Rea Vaya social media platforms.

For information on the resumption of the service, please contact Mr. Benny Makgoga,
Director: Marketing & Communications, City of Johannesburg: Transport Department at
071 3812819 and Mr. Andre Van Niekerk Acting Executive Head, at cell phone number
076 812 1138.