It has come to the attention of MMC Anthea Leitch that a R1 million boundary wall was paid for at Moffat View Retirement Village in Region F, Johannesburg, in July 2022, but was never built.

An official in the Human Settlements Department has admitted to signing a so-called “Happy Letter” last year, confirming that he was satisfied that the work was done to the correct standard, and the contractor was thereafter paid by JOSHCO.

The contractor provided photographs of a completed face-brick wall, which led to the company being paid in full. The wall was meant to replace a rusted palisade fence bordering a park. To date, the fence remains in place and no wall has been erected.

An official at the Human Settlements Department noticed that the wall had never been built and referred the matter to the City’s Group Forensic and Investigation Services (GFIS). Amid this, the contractor concerned hurriedly repaid the money to JOSHCO this week, raising questions about the case and the various conflicting versions that have been offered of what transpired.

The office of MMC Leitch has referred the case to the Special Investigating Unit. A case number has been issued. She will also be writing to JOSHCO and request the City Manager to set up an independent forensic audit to probe not only the Moffat View case but all transactions that have taken place between JOSHCO and Human Settlements.

“This happened under the former government and the previous MMC. I want to make it clear that I will not stand for any corruption of any type during my tenure. I will also make sure that any corruption that happened before I took office is uncovered and that there are consequences for anyone found to be involved,” said MMC Leitch.